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Amaravati, Amaravati and Amaravati get grounded, AGAIN!!!
Amaravati Acts Like a Entitled Person On Dunkin' Donuts/ Grounded
Amaravati watches Something's Gotta Give and gets grounded
Amaravati, Violy and Eloise ground Amaravati Madhuvanthi and get ungrounded
Amaravati, Amaravati and Amaravati ground Good Violy, Violy and DFL Violy and get grounded
Amaravati Peterson hosts a party along with Amaravati M., Amaravati A. and Amaravati S./all grounded
Amaravati, Alexandra and Cassandra Madhuvanthi get grounded
Amaravati, Cassandra, Alexandra and Amaravati get grounded for going on a crime spree
Amaravati gets IN DEEP TROUBLE AGAIN!!!
Amaravati gets grounded for all of the terrible things she and her friends have done!
Amaravati gets grounded for doing something bad to someone else
Amaravati throws a temper tantrum and gets grounded